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PM adresses the nation on Cyclone Evan impact and recovery, Saturday 15 December, 4.00pm, Radio 2AP Station, Mulinu’u



AFĀ O EVAN 13-14 TESEMA 2012

O le a ou faaaogaina lenei masele ua maua ina ua se’e ese atu ma le Atu Samoa le Afā o Evans, e fai ai au ma Afioga taumomoli o le Ao Mamalu o le Malo, le Sui Tofia, Minisita o le Kapeneta ma Minisita Lagolago, le Faamasino Sili, le Fofoga Fetalai ma Sui Usufono o le Fono Aoao Faitulafono.

Ou te mua’i tapui ai le tapu a aloalii ma ou vaisausauina paia o Samoa i ona tulaga faalupelupeina.

O paia lava ia e faasino i Aiga ma Latou Tama, Tulatoa o Aiga ma Faleupolu o Tofiga, le Usoga a Tumua ma Pule-e-Ono i Salafai.

O paia foi aua le tapuaiga i faiga malo a Tutuila ma Manua, i le Tafatolu o le Malo i le Pulega, le Faamasinoga ma Maota Faitulafono, o paia lava ua popo ma pā e lē solo, aua le Faleagafulu ma le Nofo a Ma’opū, Faatui ma Tootoo ma upu i le Manua Tele.  A e matua lava le tuu i le faanonogamanū i le Aufaigaluega Paia a le Atua.

Sa o tatou momoe ma manū e lē fati a e sau pea mala e atia’i lou tou soifua ma so matou ola pule’esea.  O aga ia o le siosiomaga o lo o tatou soifua ai.  E i ai pea le maatui ma le maagao, ma le maa faalaveaaao.  Peitai ua uma lava ona ta’oto ma tuumatāmaga e le Atua puipui ma tuaoi tatou te ola fiafia ai ma faatumau ai pea le matagofie o le paleni o mea uma o le natura na ia faia i le atoatoa.  E pei o le oso a’e o le lā mai Sasae ma goto ifo i Sisifo, a e ā le tau o mugālā ma le tau e to’ulu ai le suatimu mai le lagi e faasūsū ai le eleele ua matūtū e feinu ai i tatou uma, inu ai ma laau, ma meaola uma tatou te tua i ai aua taumafa o le tino.  E le mafai foi ona tupu fua mea faapena.  O upu o le Tusi, o le aso ma le mea e tupu ai.

O le popolega pito ogaoga lea i taitai o le lalolagi i le taimi nei, o suiga matuiā o le tau e ono lē matāofia ai le tutupu ai o afā matuiā, o galulolo, o mafuie, o tāfega ma lāmala, e afua lava i mea soona fai e le tagata na tofia e le Atua e leoleoina le faatoaga,……………e pei o le soona tatā o laau ua vevela ai le ea ma tutupu ai mala sa lē masani ai.  A e a le soona tata o laau i tafa o auvaitafe ma iu ai ina avea ma faapogai o le afaina ai o le soifua i tafega oso faafuasei ma faatama’ia ai maota ma laoa o i latou e nofoia autafavai.

Tatou te lē tuua’ia fua le Atua Silisili Ese i nei mea.  Auā o lo o Ia musumusuina pea i tatou i o tatou tiute ma tofi e toe faafo’i ai le faatumau o le matagofie o Lana foafoaga mamana mo Samoa, nei ma ēluā ina ia saogalemu ai lo tatou siosiomaga.

Sa galulue le tatou Malo ma lana Komiti Faapitoa mo Faalavelave Faafuasei e tusa ai ma ana matafaioi tauave.  E aofia ai Minisita ma Faauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Sui o tatou Paaga mai Fafo.  O lo o tau faamaopopo nei le tuufaatasiga o aafiaga eseese o le atunuu faatasi ai ma auala e fo’ia ai.  Sa folasia i luma o le Komiti mataupu ogaoga e ao ina ave i ai le faamamafa e faapei o le:  Eletise, Suavai, Saogalemu faapea ma le Soifua Maloloina lautele.  O ia tulaga taua uma, o le a faama’alo i’u’ofe foi aua gaioiga tatau ma talafeagai e faapei ona o le a tauaofia ai le fono a le Palemene i le aso 18 o Tesema i le vaiaso fou.

Sa faatino le asiasiga i le mae’a ai o le Fono a le Kapeneta ma le Komiti Faapitoa mo Faalavelave Faafuasei i le taeao nei i nofoaga o lo o mapu i ai le mamalu o le atunuu ua faaleagaina o latou maota i tāfega, ma o lo o faamautu i nofoaga e pei o le Kolisi o Samoa, Maota o Tausisoifua i Motootua, faapea ma le Faletaalo i Tuanaimato.  O lo o māua foi o lo i ai nisi faapea o lo o i le nofoaga o le Iunivesite Aoao o Samoa.  A o i ai pea i latou i maota sulufa’i nei, e talosagaina foi le mamalu o aiga lotu ma aulotu tūlata ane i totonu o le talafatai o Apia, i le agaga Kerisiano, mo sau tou lagolago i soo se auala.

E ui ina ua tatou taunuu i puapuagā ona o faalavelave faanatura, tatou te talitonu ma le faatuatua i lo tatou Atua, Na te lē tuulafoa’i i tatou, a e logo pea ia i tatou le Fau o Manū sa i Logoā aua o lo o soifua pea le Atua.  O Ia na te faamaise ma faamafanafana i o outou finagalo mafatia ona o le soifua o nisi ua to’esea, faapea ma meatotino ua maumau.

Faamalō i le agaga onosai ma le faatoatoa i pulega mamalu a Alii ma Faipule faapea le lagolago a le vasega a Pulenuu ma Sui o le Malo, Sa’oao ma Augafaapae ma le Malosi o Nuu.  Faatino lau tou pitolaau aua tulaga masani o le faamamā o auala-tetele ma auala-galue ina ia toe vave sololelei auala mo femalagaiga.

E lē tauiso le gasolo manuia o a tatou fuafuaga ma faamoemoega i le mana o le tatalo a le Aufaigaluega Paia a le Atua.  O lau tou tatalo, ua faasaoina ai nisi tulaga sili atu ona ogaoga semanū e o o i ai Samoa.  Ua mae’a lava foi ona atofa e le Fono a Ekalesia i le lua masina talu ai le tatou Vaiaso o Talosaga ma Anapogi ina ia pa’ū tonu i le vaiaso muamua o Ianuari i tausaga uma, a e amata i le aso 30 o Tesema o le masina nei ma faaiu i le aso 6 o Ianuari 2013.  O lea faatoa amata le vaitau o timuga ma afā seia tau ia Mati o le tausaga fou.  A o la outou tatalo, e faatau manuia ai le ifoa’i o le taulaumea o lenei tausaga, atoa ai foi le fana’elupe o le tausaga fou.

Talosia ia faapaolo e le Atua ona aao alofa i luga o Samoa i lenei vaitau o afā.











I take this most opportune time, as Cyclone Evans slowly ebbs away from Samoa, to express on behalf of His Highness the Head of State, the Member of the Council of Deputies, Ministers of Cabinet and Associate Ministers, the Chief Justice, Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament and the Legislative Assembly of Samoa.

Routinely we serenely take our rest at night with not knowing what calamity that might befall us overnight, thus adversely impacting your lives and mine.  By nature these are the challenges of our existence as most assuredly there will always be threats that continually defies us.  Nevertheless, in accordance with God’s creation, He has instituted parameters and principles that will enable us to live joyously maintaining the natural balance of existence he inaugurated. Like the sun that rises in the East and sets in the West, and what of the hot and dry spells, and the wet season of rainfalls that will moisten the arid and parched land, as well as quenching the thirst of us humans, vegetation and animals that serve to provide nourishments for our bodies.  These circumstances do not occur by chance.   As the Bible testifies, ‘To everything there is a season’.

The most poignant concerns that are distressing world leaders at the moment are the disastrous changing weather patterns that will allow the occurrences of cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, flooding and other disasters, which all emanates from man abusing the garden that God appointed him to tend,…..such as the mindless cutting of trees excessively warming the environment resulting in disasters not often experienced before.  Likewise the extreme deforestation near rivers and streams which, consequently, now results in the loss of lives and the destruction of homes nearby due to flash floodings.

We must never apportion the blame on the Almighty God for such incidences since He continues to admonish and point us towards our responsibilities and tasks in maintaining the beauty of His Creation for Samoa, to assure the wellbeing of our environment, now and for the future.

The Government and its Special Committee for Disasters and Emergencies has now commenced implementations in accordance with it’s Terms of References. The said Committee includes Ministers of Cabinet, CEO’s and Heads of Corporations as well as representatives of Samoa’s Development Partners.  Currently, we are undertaking a rapid situational assessment of the damages as well the remedial actions to be taken.  Some of the most important matters tabled before the Committee for its most urgent consideration included issues such as: Electricity, Water, the well being and safety of the people at large.  These crucial facets will be duly noted for corresponding and appropriate actions to be deliberated upon when Parliament reconvenes next week on the 18th day of December 2012.

A site visit was carried out earlier today following the meetings of Cabinet and the Special Committee for Disasters and Emergencies, to locations where the displaced people are being sheltered due to the recent floodings which include Samoa College, Nurses Hall and office at Motootua, as well as the Gymnasium at the Sports Complex, Tuana’imato.  It is also believed that there are others who are being accommodated at the National University of Samoa.  While our displaced people continue to take lodgings at these temporary shelters, Christian Communities nearby and within the environs of urban Apia are urged to assist as necessary and in any manner appropriate.

Though we are encountering fatalities due to these natural disasters, we nevertheless continue to trust in God, for He will never forsake us.  Like the Samoan saying “Ua logo ia i tatou le Fau o Manū sa i Logoā”, since our hope is assured that our God is Eternal.  He comforts and consoles our saddened hearts because of those loved ones whose lives have been lost, as well as properties which have been destroyed.

Well done to the Councils of Chiefs and Orators, the Village Mayors, Government Representatives, ladies and the untitled men, for your fortitude, ready assistance and willing support.  I urge you to continue in loyally carrying out your responsibilities relating to the clean up of the main and access roads, to enable a rapid recovery of roads for ease of travel of the public at large.

We must never doubt the adept implementation of our plans due to the power of prayers offered up by Members of the Clergy.   Your prayers had undeniably saved Samoa from a much more devastating natural disaster.

Two months ago, the National Council of Churches designated the Week of Prayer and Fasting  to coincide with the first week of January every year, commencing this year from the 30th December and culminating on the 6th January 2013.  The wet season of rain and tropical storms is just now beginning and will continue till March of the New Year.  Your prayers will abundantly bless the conclusion of the year now ending, as well, the dawning of the New Year.

May God shelter Samoa through this Cyclone season.







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